5 water games to play without a pool

5 water play games to do with your kids!

Not everyone has a pool and not everyone lives close to water BUT we all get hot and bothered in summer and sometimes, the only way to chill those kids out is WATER PLAY!

Water Painting

  • Give toddlers paint brushes and buckets of water to "paint" on the pavement. Add food colouring to make it colourful! It’s a great way to cool off while being creative!

Water Fill-Up

  • Set up a line of cups or containers. Give toddlers a small bucket to fill with water and race to fill up as many containers as they can.

Splash and Play

  • Fill a shallow kiddie pool/bucket with water and provide cups, spoons, and small toys for toddlers to scoop and pour. This encourages sensory play!

Mini Boat Races

  • Use small toy boats or paper boats and let toddlers blow them across the surface of the water or race them in a kiddie pool or bucket.

Water Balloon Roll

  • Use soft water balloons for a gentle rolling game. Kids can roll them back and forth to each other without the risk of popping them too easily.

Tag us in any social media to show us what sort of games you come up with! 


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